Session Debugging

 Some of the views used for session debugging are

  1. v$session
  2. v$process
  3. v$transaction
  4. v$locked_object
  5. v$sql
  • If user is locking any objects the list of locked objects an be seen in the view v$locked_object using below query, form the below query we get the session_id, process_id , object_id, username.
              SQL> select * from v$locked_object;
  • Using the object_id we can get the the object which is locking,
  • Using the session_id (SID) we can get the sql_id or prev_sql_id and transaction address using the view v$session using the below query.
              SQL> select sid, saddr, paddr, taddr, username, sql_id, event, module from v$session where username is not null and sid=****;

    If you did not get the present sql_id check the previous sql id 
              SQL> select sid, saddr, paddr, taddr, username, sql_id, prev_sql_id, event, module from v$session where username is not null  and sid=****; 
  • With the sql_id or prev_sql_id get the sql_text or sql_fulltext  from view v$sql.
              SQL> select sql_fulltext from v$sql where sql_id='*********';
  • To check the used undo record and used undo blocks by a transaction use v$transaction by the below query. (we can get the transaction address as taddr in v$session).
              SQL> select used_urec, used_ublk from v$transaction where addr='transaction address';


To kill a process which is locking objects to get the process id (spid)

  • Get the username which is locking the objects from v$locked_object using below query.
             SQL> select * from v$locked_object;
  • Join the v$session and v$process with the paddr in v$session and addr in v$process and sort the rows with the username which we got from the above.
             SQL> select a.spid,b.username,b.module from v$process a,v$session b where a.addr=b.paddr and b.username='CHARAN'; 
  • check the process at OS level using the below command
             $ ps -aef | grep <spid >
             $ ps -aef | grep <process>
  • to kill the process use the below command
             $ kill -9 <spid> --- user gets disconnected  
             $ kill -9 <process> --- the session will be killed
